Aim and Purpose of Colloquium Humanum
The Colloquim Humanum e.V. (CH) is a private non-profit society based in Bonn which was founded by members of the German Federal Government in 1960. Its aim, then as now, is to promote understanding between people of all nations and cultures with a view to overcoming inherent prejudices, differences and discrimination. Our wide-ranging program includes lectures and discussions on various topical political, economic and cultural subjects, as well as information gathering tours at home and abroad. The so-called Länderabende which are organized on a regular basis with the support and assistance of diplomatic representations and local societies have become an important feature in the process of getting to know each other.
The CH is free of all party-political and religious affiliations and, for many years, was subsidized by the German Foreign Ministry. Even today, many members are or were, until retirement, members of Federal Ministries. It is also important to note that we continue to actively cooperate with local public and private institutions.
The activities of the „Colloquium Humanum der Damen (CHD)“, a group of female members within the confines of the Society, are an important addition to intensifying our aims of promoting interest in national and international cultural events. To this end, lectures, excursions and periodic visits to art exhibitions are organized at regular intervals.